GEMME-Switzerland conference “The family in all its states” – Thursday 28 September 2023 at the University of Fribourg

The Swiss section of GEMME is organising a colloquium open to the public (judges, lawyers, mediators, social workers, police officers and anyone interested in conciliation and mediation) to coincide with its general meeting.

The event will take place on Thursday 28 September 2023 at the University of Fribourg (Bâtiment de la Formation Continue, Rue de Rome 6). French only.

The agenda is as follows:

Continuing Education and General Meeting (for GEMME members)
• 8.00 Welcome
• 8.30-11.30 - Training offered to members of GEMME Switzerland and speakers at the conference.
Pilot project on parental consensus: first experiences by Ms Sandrine Osojnak, First President of the Tribunal d'arrondissement de l'Est vaudois (Eastern Vaud District Court)
• 11.45 - General Assembly of GEMME Switzerland

Conference (open to all)
• 2.00 pm - Welcome, presentation of the association and the conference programme by Mr Daniel Stoll, President of GEMME Suisse
• 2.10 pm - Family loyalties by Valérie Bader, psychologist, specialist in psychotherapy FSP
• 3.00 pm - BREAK
• 3.30 pm- Mediation in high-level family conflicts: a transformative approach by Mrs Florence Studer, FSM/ASM Mediator, social therapy practitioner
• 4.20 pm - Transnational family conflicts: the contribution of the International Social Service by Mr Albert Mukwiye, social worker
• 5.00 pm - End

Conference fee: CHF 90 (CHF 60 for GEMME members)

Registration is open until 30 August.

For more information, please contact us by email ( or visit the website of the Swiss national section of GEMME..


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