The Observatory of the « Défenseur des droits » presents its report « Recours à la médiation préalable obligatoire : étude auprès des réclamants » (only in French)

This is a study with users as part of a mediation, in order to collect their point of view on this procedure, to document their journey and their level of satisfaction.

The survey was aimed at all people who contacted the Défenseur des droits of the French Republic between May 2018 and October 2020 for mandatory prior mediation, i.e. 1,453 people. Among them, 556 agreed to participate, for a response rate of 38%.


Table of contents of the report (36 pages)

• Respondent profiles and litigation qualifications
• Recourse to Mandatory Prior Mediation: Why? How? 'Or' What ?
• Process and result of mediation
• The reasons for not appealing to the Administrative Tribunal
• Conclusion

It is an interesting and inspiring document which is already part of the library on this site.

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